Total planned funding: $47,783,441
Caribbean Region | $47,783,441 |
Organizational Types
Unknown | $12,610,189 |
Own Agency | $11,155,590 |
NGO | $6,807,848 |
Host Country Government Agency | $5,467,296 |
University | $4,662,200 |
Implementing Agency | $4,325,474 |
Private Contractor | $1,071,844 |
Parastatal | $1,058,000 |
FBO | $425,000 |
Multi-lateral Agency | $200,000 |
Other USG Agency | $0 |
Program Areas
Governance and Systems | $16,380,627 |
Management and Operations | $9,549,204 |
Prevention | $8,566,734 |
Treatment | $5,775,024 |
Care | $5,531,058 |
Testing | $1,980,794 |
Budget Codes
HVMS: Management and Operations | $9,549,204 |
HVOP: Sexual Prevention: Other Sexual Prevention | $8,076,260 |
OHSS: Health Systems Strengthening | $6,680,823 |
HVSI: Strategic Information | $5,982,647 |
HTXS: Treatment: Adult Treatment | $5,662,733 |
HBHC: Care: Adult Care and Support | $5,471,893 |
HLAB: Laboratory Infrastructure | $3,717,157 |
HVCT: Testing: HIV Testing and Counseling | $1,980,794 |
HVAB: Sexual Prevention: Abstinence/Be Faithful | $290,474 |
MTCT: Biomedical Prevention: Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission | $200,000 |
PDTX: Treatment: Pediatric Treatment | $110,000 |
PDCS: Care: Pediatric Care and Support | $50,000 |
HKID: Care: Orphans and Vulnerable Children | $9,165 |
HTXD: Treatment: ARV Drugs | $2,291 |
Top Partner Programs
USG Aggregated Agencies:
Caribbean Region
2010 | $5,415,793 |
2017 | $5,739,797 |
University of Washington:
Caribbean Region
2010 | $905,000 |
2017 | $1,907,200 |